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for Loop Semantic Changes in Go 1.22: Be Aware of the Impact

Go 1.22 changed the semantics of for loops, including both for-range loops and traditional 3-clause for ..; ..; .. {...} loops (which will be abbreviated as for;; in the remaining content of this article).

You should understand the semantic changes and understand the implications of these changes in order to write Go code which will behave as intended. Otherwise, your code may exhibit unexpected behavior.

What are the changes?

Specifically speaking, only the semantics of the for loops which loop variables are declared within the loops are changed (we call such loop variables as freshly-declared loop variables in the remaining content). For example, in the following piece of code, the semantics of the former two loops are not changed, but the latter two ones are changed (from Go 1.21 to 1.22).

	for k, v = range aContainer {...}
	for a, b, c = f(); condition; statement {...}

	for k, v := range aContainer {...}
	for a, b, c := f(); condition; statement {...}

The former two loops don't declare their respective loop variables, but the latter two do. That is the difference here. The semantics of the former two loops are not changed.

Let's view a simple Go program which undergoes semantic change (and behavior change) from Go 1.21 to Go 1.22:

package main

func main() {
	c, out := make(chan int), make(chan int)

	m := map[int]int{1: 2, 3: 4}
	for i, v := range m {
		go func() {
			out <- i+v


	println(<-out + <-out)

We can install multiple Go toolchain versions to check the outputs. Here, I use the GoTV tool to (conveniently) choose Go toolchain versions.

The outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo1.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo1.go

The behavior difference is obvious:

The reason for the difference:

Prior to Go 1.22, without the participation of the channel c, there is a data race condition present in the above program code, which should be a clear fact for a competent Go programmer. In order to avoid data race and get the same result as the new semantics, the loop in the program should be re-written as:

	for i, v := range m {
		i, v := i, v // this line is added
		go func() {
			out <- i+v

Under the new semantics, the added line becomes unnecessary. In fact, this is the main reason why the semantic changes were made in Go 1.22.

Similarly, the following program also undergoes semantic/behavior change from Go 1.21 to Go 1.22:

// demo2.go
package main

func main() {
	c, out := make(chan int), make(chan int)

	for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
		go func() {
			out <- i


	println(<-out + <-out + <-out)

The outputs of the above program:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo2.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo2.go 

This article focuses on the details of the changes and impact of the changes, rather than the reasons behind them. For details on the approval process and reasons behind the changes, see
  1. The first discussion: redefining for loop variable semantics:
  2. The formal proposal issue thread: Note that the open comment of this thread almost didn't mention the semantic change on for;; loops.
  3. The proposal file itself: (If you only care about the reasons, you can just read this one.)
  4. The wiki page:, and the blog article: Both of them were created after the proposal was accepted, which means the proposal was accepted before the experiment phase even began! (It was very unusually. The experiment phase seemed like a mere formality. This was evident in the brevity of the experiment phase period and the lack of a strong public call for participation. Consequently, the numerous problems mentioned in this article only surfaced after the proposed changes were officially released.)
  5. Go 1.22 release notes:, which claims the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. However, this is simply not the case (read below for reasons).

The impact of the changes

Personally, I think the rationale of the change to for-range loops is well-justified. The new semantics of for-range loops become more intuitive. The change only affects for k, v := range .. {...} loops, in which the := symbol strongly suggests that the loop variables are per-iteration scoped. No implications are introduced. The impact of the change is almost positive.

On the other hand, in my honest opinion, the rationale of the change to for;; loops is insufficient. The main reason provided by the proposal makers is to make a consistency with for-range loops (they are both for loops). However, It's not intuitive at all to think the loop variables in the following alike loops are per-iteration scoped.

for a, b, c := anExpression; aCondition; postStatement {
	... // loop body

The a, b, c := anExpression statement is only executed once during the execution of the loop, so it is intuitive that the loop variables are only explicitly instantiated once during the execution of the loop. The new semantics make the the loop variables instantiated at each iteration, which means there must be some implicit code to do the job. This is true. Go 1.22+ specification says:

Each iteration has its own separate declared variable (or variables). The variable used by the first iteration is declared by the init statement. The variable used by each subsequent iteration is declared implicitly before executing the post statement and initialized to the value of the previous iteration's variable at that moment.

By the speficication, since Go 1.22, the loop shown above is actually equivalent to the following pseudo-code (Sorry, the new semantics are hard to explain in a clear and perfect way. None of Go official documentations ever successfully achieve this goal. Here, I have tried my best.):

	a_last, b_last, c_last := anExpression
	pa_last, pb_last, pc_last = &a_last, &b_last, &c_last
	first := true
	for {
		a, b, c := *pa_last, *pb_last, *pc_last
		if first {
			first = false
		} else {
		if !(aCondition) {
		pa_last, pb_last, pc_last = &a, &b, &c
		... // loop body

Wow, quite a lot of magical implicit code. For a language that promotes explicitness, it's embarrassing.

Implicitness frequently results in unintended surprises, a fact that is itself unsurprising. The following will show several cases which might break your expectations.

The behaviors of deferred function calls which capture loop variables might change

A simple example:

// demo-defer.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	for counter, n := 0, 2; n >= 0; n-- {
		defer func(v int) {
		    fmt.Print("#", counter, ": ", v, "\n")

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-defer.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-defer.go
#0: 0
#1: 1
#2: 2
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-defer.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-defer.go
#0: 0
#0: 1
#0: 2

You can find that, since Go 1.22, the value of counter is never effectively increased. Why? I'm sorry. As mentioned above, it is some hard to clearly explain the new semantics and I don't think I have the ability to do this. You may get it from the following equivalent code:

func main() {
	counter_last, n_last := 0, 2
	p_counter_last, p_n_last := &counter_last, &n_last
	first := true
	for {
		counter, n := *p_counter_last, *p_n_last
		if (first) {
			first = false
		} else {
		if !(n >= 0) {
		p_counter_last, p_n_last = &counter, &n
		defer func(v int) {
			fmt.Print("#", counter, ": ", v, "\n")

A more realistic example:

// search.go
package main

import "fmt"

func demoFilter(n int) bool {
	return n & 1 == 0;

// Search values and return them without perverting order.
func search(start, end int)(r []int) {
	var count = 0
	for i, index := start, 0; i <= end; i++ {
		if demoFilter(i) {
			defer func(value int) {
				r[index] = value
	r = make([]int, count) // only allocate once

func main() {
	fmt.Println(search(0, 9))

The outputs of the above program:
$ gotv 1.21. run search.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run search.go
[8 6 4 2 0]
$ gotv 1.22. run search.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run search.go
[0 0 0 0 0]

So, since Go 1.22, just be careful when using freshly-declared loop variables in deferred function calls.

The above example suggests that some freshly-declared loop variables in the first clause of a for;; loops might be okay to be per-iteration scoped, but some are strongly expected to be whole-loop scoped, such as the index and counter loop variables shown above. I ever suggested to allow re-declaration statements as postStatement of for;; loops to explicitly specify which variables are per-iteration scoped. For example, in the following loop code, n is per-iteration scoped but counter is whole-loop scoped.

  for counter, n := 0, 2; n >= 0; n := n - 1 { ... }

However, sadly, the suggestion was ignored totally.

Be careful when capturing loop variables in closures

An example:

// demo-closure-1.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var printN func()
	for n := 0; n < 9; n++ {
		if printN == nil {
			printN = func() {

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-closure-1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-closure-1.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-closure-1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-closure-1.go

Prior to Go 1.22, what the printN closure captures is the only instance of the loop variable, which final value is 9. However, since Go 1.22, what the printN closure captures is the first instance of the loop variable, which final value is 1. That is the reason of the behavior difference between the two Go versions.

Here is a similar example:

// demo-closure-2.go
package main

import (

func main() {
	var printBuf func()
	for buf, i := (bytes.Buffer{}), byte('a'); i <= 'z'; i++ {
		if printBuf == nil {
			printBuf = func() {
				fmt.Printf("%s\n", buf.Bytes())

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-closure-2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-closure-2.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-closure-2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-closure-2.go

The third example:

package main

func main() {
    var next func()
    for i := 0; i < 3; next() {
        next = func() {

It will never exit since Go 1.22 (prior to Go 1.22, it prints 012 then exits immediately)

So, whether you think it is intuitive or not, just remember that, since Go 1.22, a freshly-declared loop variable may have many instances at run time, whether or not it is modified in postStatement. Each of the instances is instantiated in one iteration.

Be careful when taking addresses of loop variables

Similarly, since Go 1.22, it may be dangerous to use the address of a freshly-declared loop variable across loop iterations.

For example, what does the following Go program print? (Some people say this example is so bizarre that backward-compatibility should not be kept for such cases. What a ridiculous point! The code in reality may be more bizarre than this!)

// demo-pointer1.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	for i, p := 0, (*int)(nil); p == nil; fmt.Println(p == &i) {
		p = &i

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-pointer1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-pointer1.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-pointer1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-pointer1.go

Go 1.21 and 1.22 give different answers. Why? From the equivalent code shown below, we can get that, in the comparison p == &i, p points to the first instance of i, whereas &i takes the address of the second instance of i. So the comparison evaluation result is false.

func main() {
	i_last, p_last := 0, (*int)(nil)
	p_i_last, p_p_last := &i_last, &p_last
	first := true
	for {
		i, p := *p_i_last, *p_p_last
		if first {
			first = false
		} else {
			fmt.Println(p == &i)
		if !(p == nil) {
		p_i_last, p_p_last = &i, &p
		p = &i

Another example:

// demo-pointer2.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var p *int
	for i := 0; i < 3; *p++ {
	    p = &i

Since Go 1.22, the above program will never exit (prior to Go 1.22, it will):
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-pointer2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-pointer2.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-pointer2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-pointer2.go

Be careful when moving the 3rd clause statements inside loop bodies

Since Go 1.22, the following two loops might be not equivalent with each other any more (prior to Go 1.22, they are equivalent).

for ...; ...; postStatement {
	... // no continue statements here

for ...; ...; {
	... // no continue statements here

For example, if we move the 3rd clause statements of the loops in the last section into loop bodies, then their behaviors change (since Go 1.22).

// demo-pointer3.go
package main

import "fmt"

func pointerDemo1() {
	for i, p := 0, (*int)(nil); p == nil; {
		p = &i
		fmt.Println(p == &i) // the old 3rd clause

func pointerDemo2() {
    var p *int
	for i := 0; i < 3; {
	    p = &i
	    *p++ // the old 3rd clause

func main() {

The new outputs:
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-pointer3.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-pointer3.go

Be careful when declaring no-copy values as loop variables

As explained above, since Go 1.22, at the start of each loop iteration, each freshly-declared loop variable will get copied once, implicitly. The implication means that, since Go 1.22, it’s generally not advisable to use no-copy values as loop variables. Examples include sync.Mutex, sync/atomic.Int64, bytes.Buffer, and strings.Builder.

For example, in Go versions prior to 1.22, the following code was considered concurrently correct. However, starting with Go 1.22, this code is considered to have a concurrency issue, because the loop variable wg will be (implicitly) copied at the start of each loop iteration.

// demo-nocopy1.go
package main

import (

func process() (wait func()) {
	for wg, i := (sync.WaitGroup{}), 0; i < 3; i++ {
		if (wait == nil) {
			wait = wg.Wait
		go func(v int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			if (v > 0) {

func main() {

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-nocopy1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.8/bin/go run demo-nocopy1.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-nocopy1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.1/bin/go run demo-nocopy1.go
$ gotv 1.22. vet demo-nocopy1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.1/bin/go vet demo-nocopy1.go

Note that the go vet command in Go 1.22 toolchain can't catch such implicit duplication of no-copy values, regardless of whether the loop variable wg is captured in the loop body or not.

Certain no-copy checks occur during run time. Let's view an example which uses strings.Builder (each strings.Builder value contains a pointer field which should point to itself):

// demo-nocopy2.go
package main

import (

const Debug = true

func a2z(callback func(*strings.Builder)) string {
	for b, i := (strings.Builder{}), byte('a'); ; i++ {
		if (Debug) { callback(&b) }
		if i == 'z' {
			return b.String()

func main() {
	debugProcess := func(pb *strings.Builder) {
		//fmt.Println(pb.String()) // do nothing

Run it with different Go toolchains, we get:
$ gotv 1.21. run demo-nocopy2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run demo-nocopy2.go
$ gotv 1.22. run demo-nocopy2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-nocopy2.go
panic: strings: illegal use of non-zero Builder copied by value

goroutine 1 [running]:

Yes, the run-time no-copy check works. Since Go 1.22, when the loop variable of type strings.Builder gets duplicated, a panic is created. Prior to Go 1.22, this duplication will not happen, so there will be no panic.

Note that, starting from Go 1.22, a Go compiler might optimize freshly-declared loop variables to be instantiated only once for the entire loop, even though their semantics suggest per-iteration instantiation. This optimization occurs when the compiler determines that each instance of the loop variable is used solely within the corresponding iteration's lifetime.

Let's change the Debug constant in the above example to false, then run the example again with the 1.22 toolchain.

$ gotv 1.22. run demo-nocopy.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run demo-nocopy.go

We can find that no panic occurs now. Why? Because now the if (Debug) { callback(&b) } line becomes into dead code so that the compiler thinks that each instance of the loop variable b is used solely within the corresponding iteration's lifetime. So the loop variable b is instantiated only once for the entire loop and no duplication happens for the only instance.

However, the compiler is too smart to make a bad decision here. The compiler incorrectly implements the semantics. The example program should panic regardless of the value of the Debug constant.

The Go core team refused to fix this bug, which raises the alarm that unexpected behavior may happen in other similar scenarios.

The safe advice is try not to declare no-copy values as loop variables. This is just a suggestion, not a mandatory rule, because copying no-copy values does not always cause damage (but the damage may be exposed later when the code is refactored in some way).

Warning: the performance of your Go programs might be degraded silently

Sometimes, a compiler is over smart; sometimes, it is not smart enough. For example, sometimes, the official standard compiler provided in Go toolchain 1.22 is unable to determine that each instance of a freshly-declared loop variable is used solely within the corresponding iteration's lifetime, so that the loop variable will be instantiated per iteration and each of its instances will be allocated on heap instead of stack. Even worse, if the size of the loop variable is large, then high duplication costs will be incurred. When these situations occur, the performance of the program will be degraded.

Let's view an example, in which a large-size loop variable is used in the bar function.

// demo-largesize.go
package main

import (

type Large [1<<10]byte

func foo(constFunc func(*Large, int)) {
	a := Large{}
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
		constFunc(&a, i)

func bar(constFunc func(*Large, int)) {
	for a, i := (Large{}), 0; i < len(a); i++ {
		constFunc(&a, i)

func main() {
	readonly := func(x *Large, k int) {}
	bench := func(f func(func(*Large, int))) time.Duration {
		start := time.Now()
		return time.Since(start)
	fmt.Println("foo time:", bench(foo))
	fmt.Println("bar time:", bench(bar))

Its outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run aaa.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run aaa.go
foo time: 3.573µs
bar time: 3.267µs
$ gotv 1.22. run aaa.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run aaa.go
foo time: 3.819µs
bar time: 552.246µs

The benchmark results reveal a significant performance regression in the bar function between Go 1.21 and 1.22. Why? Because, with the official standard Go compiler 1.22, the loop variable a in the bar function is duplicated in each iteration. Whereas in prior versions, such duplication is always needless.

The performance degradation issue does not affect the correctness of the code logic, Therefore, it may not be detected in time.

Suggestions to avoid such performance degradation issue:
  1. Try not to declare large-size values as loop variables, even if the syntax allows.
  2. In certain situations, consider declaring loop variables outside the loop itself to optimize performance. This is beneficial if you can guarantee that the variables don't need to be instantiated in each iteration.

Warning: things might become more subtle than before when loop variables are used concurrently

Firstly, let's view a simple program.

// demo-concurency1.go
package main

import (

func main() {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()

The above program is intended to print the values of the loop variable i at each iteration. Prior to Go 1.22, there is a clear data race condition present in the program, because the loop variable i is only instantiated once during the whole loop. All the new created goroutines will read the single instance but the main goroutine will modify it. The following outputs prove this fact:
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 gotv 1.21. run -race demo-concurency1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run -race demo-concurency1.go

Prior to Go 1.22, the fix is simple, just add an i := i line at the start of the loop body. Go 1.22 fixes the specified data race problem by changing the semantics of for;; loops, without modifying the old problematic code. This can be verified by the following outputs:
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 gotv 1.22. run -race demo-concurency1.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run -race demo-concurency1.go

In fact, this is just the reason why Go 1.22 made the semantic change to for;; loops. But is it worth it to fix such a small problem by introducing magical implicit code?

The effect of the attempt to fix the problem by making semantic change is actually limited. Let's modify the above program a bit:

// demo-concurency2.go
package main

import (

func main() {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()
			i++ // <-- add this line

Is the new code still data race free (with Go 1.22 semantics)? It looks good. Each new created goroutine just uses an exclusive copy of the loop variable i. But the answer is "no", because there is an implicit assignment at the start of each iteration and the implicit assignment uses an instance of the loop variable as source value (a.k.a. the main goroutine reads it), however the instance is modified in a new created goroutine.

The following outputs verify there is a data race condition present in the new code:
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 gotv 1.22. run -race demo-concurency2.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run -race demo-concurency2.go
Found 1 data race(s)

Prior to Go 1.22, the data race is clear and easily to detect. But since Go 1.22, things become more subtle and the data race is not very clear (because of the implicit code).

You may have found that the data-racy program appears to produce the intended outputs. Yes, this is another problem of the semantic change. While the data-racy program's outputs may appear correct most of the time, this masks a deeper issue: the data race can remain undetected for a longer period. This can significantly delay the identification and resolution of the problem!

More seriously, some old good concurrent code will become problematic. Here is an example:

// demo-concurency3.go
package main

import (

const NumWorkers = 3

func isGold(num uint64) bool {
	return num & 0xFFFFF == 0

func main() {
	var c = make(chan uint64)
	var m sync.Mutex
	for n, i := 0, uint64(0); n < NumWorkers; n++ {
		go func() {
			for {
				v := i
				if isGold(v) {
					c <- v
	for n := range c {
		fmt.Println("Found gold", n)

Run it with different toolchain versions, get the following outputs:
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 gotv 1.21. run -race demo-concurency3.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.7/bin/go run -race demo-concurency3.go
Found gold 1048576
Found gold 2097152
Found gold 3145728
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 gotv 1.22. run -race demo-concurency3.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.0/bin/go run -race demo-concurency3.go
Found gold 1048576
Found gold 1048576
Found gold 1048576
Found gold 2097152
Found gold 2097152
Found gold 2097152
Found gold 3145728
Found gold 3145728
Found gold 3145728

😳😳😳... (Consider that the title of the proposal to make the semantic change is "Proposal: Less Error-Prone Loop Variable Scoping".)

How to fix the new data-racy code mentioned in this section? We can still use the old trick: just add an i := i line at the start of the loop body. Yes, this is still the best suggestion to avoid data race for such situations in the Go 1.22+ era. Is this a mockery of the new semantics (of for;; loops)?

Advice and suggestions

Okay, the above are the potential issues I've identified so far with the new for;; semantics introduced in Go 1.22. There might be more, I'm not sure.

Here are some recommendations you can follow in the Go 1.22+ era.

Specify Go language versions for Go source files

As demonstrated in many above examples, the semantic changes made in Go 1.22 break backward-compatibility. To reduce the damage as small as possible, Go core team decided to associate a Go language version to every Go source file. In other words, since Go 1.22, a Go source file = code + Go language version.

There are several ways (in order of priority) to specify Go language versions for Go source files:
  1. Add a //go:build go1.xy comment directive at the start of a source file to specify the language version for the source file. (However, the //go:build go1.xy comment directive in a Go source file might still be ignored due to potential bugs in the toolchain implementation. For example, the Go core team is not willing to fix this known bug for Go toolchain v1.22.x versions.)
  2. Use -gcflags=-lang=go1.xy compiler option when building a Go binary to specify the Go language version for the seed files you're passing to the compiler.
  3. Put a go 1.xy directive line in the go.mod file of a Go module to specify the default Go language version for all of the source files in the Go module. A missing go directive line is assumed as go 1.16. The effects of the directive line are described here.

If the Go language version of a Go source file is not specified by any of the above ways, then the version of the used Go compiler is used. In other words, the behavior of the code in the source file is compiler dependent.

The design causes two problems:
  1. Some people like to use the go run command to run Go code as scripts (a set of Go source files without go.mod files). If a Go script source file doesn't contain a //go:build go1.xy comment directive and the -gcflags=-lang=go1.xy compiler option is not specified, then the behavior of the code in the script file is compiler dependent, just as what the above examples show.
  2. If, for any reason (for example, to use a feature provided in newer Go versions), you upgrade the language version of a Go module that you maintain to 1.22 or higher, the behavior of the Go module might change. If the behavior changes are not detected in time (due to insufficient testing and the drawbacks of the new senmantics of for;; loops, etc.), then things may not go well.

Anyway, since Go 1.22, you should try to specify a Go language version for every Go source file, in any of the above introduced ways, to reduce compiler version dependent behaviors. This is the minimum standard to be a professional Go programmer in the Go 1.22+ era.

Upgrading module versions

If you are maintaining a public Go module which are depended by other Go projects, please carefully check all the uses of for;; loops in the module's code before bumping the language version to Go 1.22+ in the go.mod file. Especially pay attention to those freshly-declared loop variables which are not modified in postStatement.

If you upgrade dependency modules of your Go projects, pay attention to those ones which language versions os upgraded to Go 1.22 or higher from a version with the old semantics before Go 1.22.

Avoid using freshly-declared loop variables in for;; loops if you worry about getting bitten by the pitful of the new semantics

Don't be too nervous, :D. In fact, most for;; loops behave the same with either the old semantics or the new semantics. But if you're unsure about the new semantics, you can always rewrite the following alike loop using the old semantics:

for a, b, c := anExpression; aCondition; postStatement {
	... // loop body


	a, b, c := anExpression
	for ; aCondition; postStatement {
		... // loop body

to avoid triggering the new semantics. You can even specify which loop variables are instantiated per loop iteration and which are not. For example, in the following code, a and c are instantiated per loop iteration, but b will be only instantiated once during the whole loop.

	a, b, c := anExpression
	for ; aCondition; postStatement {
		a, c := a, c
		... // loop body

This is a little awkward, but it is much safer.

Final words

Overall, I find the impact of the new semantics of for-range loops is positive, while the impact of the new semantics of for;; loops is negative. This is just my personal opinion.

For magical implicitness is introduced, the new semantics of for;; loops might require additional debug time in code writing and additional cognitive effort during code review and understanding in some cases.

The new semantics of for;; loops might introduce potential performance degradation and data race issues in existing code, requiring careful review and potential adjustments. Depending on specific cases, such issues might be found in time or not.

In my honest opinion, the benefits of the new semantics of for;; loops are rare and tiny, whereas the drawbacks are more prominent and serious.

The semantic changes introduced in Go 1.22 significantly lower the standard for maintaining backward compatibility. This is a bad start.

I have expressed my opinions in the following comments:

But the proposal makers (some members in the Go core team) totally ignored them and decided to proceed with the semantic change of for;; loops anyway.

What's done is done. In the end, I hope this article will help you write professional Go code in the Go 1.22+ era.

(more articles ↡)

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Tapir, the author of Go 101, has been on writing the Go 101 series books and maintaining the website since 2016 July. New contents will be continually added to the book and the website from time to time. Tapir is also an indie game developer. You can also support Go 101 by playing Tapir's games (made for both Android and iPhone/iPad):
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