Firstly, thanks to the whole Go community. Without an active and responsive community, this book couldn't have been finished.
I'd like to give special thanks to Ian Lance Taylor. Ian kindly answered my countless boring questions on go-nuts group and the Go project issue tracker. Ian's answers helped me clear many of my past confusions in using Go.
I want to give thanks to the following people who participated in my question threads on go-nuts and go-dev groups: Axel Wagner, Keith Randall, Russ Cox, Robert Griesemer, Jan Mercl, Konstantin Khomoutov, Brad Fitzpatrick, Alan Donovan, Minux Ma, Dave Cheney, Volker Dobler, Caleb Spare, Matt Harden, Roger Peppe, Michael Jones, peterGo, Pietro Gagliardi, Paul Jolly, Oleg Sidorov, and Rob 'Commander' Pike, etc.
Also I learned so much from the Go project issue tracker. I give my thanks to the following people who are active on the Go project issue tracker, including: Ian Lance Taylor, Robert Griesemer, Brad Fitzpatrick, Russ Cox, Matthew Dempsky, Keith Randall, Bryan C. Mills, Joe Tsai, Minux Ma, Josh Bleecher Snyder, Axel Wagner, Daniel Martí, Dave Cheney, Austin Clements, Andrew Bonventre, Damian Gryski, Alberto Donizetti, Emmanuel T Odeke, Filippo Valsorda, Dominik Honnef, and Rob Pike, etc.
I thank Martin Möhrmann for pointing out a mistake in one of my Go articles on reddit.
I also would like to thank all gophers who ever made influences on the Go 101 book, be it directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally.
I thank all Go 101 contributors for improving Go 101 articles, including: ipinak, Amir Khazaie, Ziqi Zhao, Artur Kirillov, Arinto Murdopo, Andreas Pannewitz, Jason-Huang, Joel Rebello, Julia Wong, Wenbin Zhang, Farid Gh, Valentin Deleplace, nofrish, Peter Matseykanets, KimMachineGun, Yoshinori Kawasaki, mooncaker816, Sangwon Seo, Shaun (wrfly), Stephan Renatus, Yang Shu, stemar94, berkant (yadkit), Thomas Bower, Patryk Małek, kucharskim, Rodrigue Koffi, Jhuliano Skittberg Moreno, youmoo, ahadc, Kevin, jojo (hjb912), Gordon Wang, Steve Zhang, cerlestes, Bai Kai, Gleb Sozinov, Jake Montgomery, Erik Dubbelboer, Afriza N. Arief, Maxim Neverov, Asim Himani, sulinehk, Grachev Mikhail, halochou, HaiwenZhu, Alisha Sonawalla, SheldonZhong, wens.wq, xamenyap, Emmanuel Hayford, Sam Berry, binderclip, Oleg Atamanenko, Amargin, Tony Bai, lanastasov, liukaifei, Abirdcfly, Tahir Raza, Bububuger, lniwn, GFZRZK, bhakiyakalimuthu,黎显图, Crazy Yang, Ilya Markin, Yang Yang, sdjdd, N0mansky, Samir Ettali, GeXiao, ZXH, bestgopher, 9r0k, Streppel, wieghx, SourceLink, Oleh, Ibrahim Mohammed, shu-ming, Genaro-Chris, Ying-Han Chen, Sina-Ghaderi, Kaijie Chen, huydang284, Soule Bah, Alex Pashkov, Dai Jie, Souhail, Phan Phu Thanh, Frank Meyer, hhoke, V0idk, LiuHe, Rathawut Lertsuksakda, ffmiyo, Arun Kumar, Bo Tao, KONY, Michael Winser, eNV25, opennota, luozhiyun, Huang Chao, Guilherme C. Matuella, Boy Baukema, Cuong Manh Le, chenxu zhao, Roman Ilchyshyn, Andy Wong, Luo Peng, Vitaly Zdanevich, Harsh Mangalam, Djim Molenkamp, ch0ngsheng, Alexandr Primak, cortes-, Yussif Mohammed, Wei-Cheng Yeh, W.T. Chang, darkCavalier11, jordancurve, 1Mark, Caio Leonhardt, Aleksandr Shalimov, DashJay, Gabriel Crispino, Ammar Kasem, nekidb, ursatong, Eric (kuchaguangjie), Cheng (mazeyqian), DrejT, Wildan S. Nahar, Rahul, zlqpzww, iridescentGray, balagrivine, linyejoe2, etc.
I'm sorry if I forgot mentioning somebody in above lists. There are so many kind and creative gophers in the Go community that I must have missed out on someone.
Thanks to Adam Chalkley for a good suggestion in making the ebooks.
Special thanks to
Renee French and Rob Pike. The vivid picture used in the covers of the digital and paper versions of this book is copied from
one of Rob's slides. Renee is the author of the lovely gopher iconic mascots used in the picture.