Go Practices 101
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This article will introduce goroutines and deferred function calls. Goroutine and deferred function call are two unique features in Go. This article also explains panic and recover mechanism. Not all knowledge relating to these features is covered in this article, more will be introduced in future articles.
Modern CPUs often have multiple cores, and some CPU cores support hyper-threading. In other words, modern CPUs can process multiple instruction pipelines simultaneously. To fully use the power of modern CPUs, we need to do concurrent programming in coding our programs.
Concurrent computing is a form of computing in which several computations are executed during overlapping time periods. The following picture depicts two concurrent computing cases. In the picture, A and B represent two separate computations. The second case is also called parallel computing, which is special concurrent computing. In the first case, A and B are only in parallel during a small piece of time.
Concurrent computing may happen in a program, a computer, or a network. In Go 101, we only talk about program-scope concurrent computing. Goroutine is the Go way to create concurrent computations in Go programming.
Goroutines are also often called green threads. Green threads are maintained and scheduled by the language runtime instead of the operating systems. The cost of memory consumption and context switching, of a goroutine is much lesser than an OS thread. So, it is not a problem for a Go program to maintain tens of thousands goroutines at the same time, as long as the system memory is sufficient.
Go doesn't support the creation of system threads in user code. So, using goroutines is the only way to do (program scope) concurrent programming in Go.
Each Go program starts with only one goroutine, we call it the main goroutine. A goroutine can create new goroutines. It is super easy to create a new goroutine in Go, just use the keyword go
followed by a function call. The function call will then be executed in a newly created goroutine. The newly created goroutine will exit alongside the exit of the called function.
All the result values of a goroutine function call (if the called function returns values) must be discarded in the function call statement. The following is an example which creates two new goroutines in the main goroutine. In the example,
is a custom type defined in the
standard package. Its underlying type is the built-in type
. Underlying types will be explained in
the next article.
package main
import (
func SayGreetings(greeting string, times int) {
for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
d := time.Second * time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) / 2
time.Sleep(d) // sleep for 0 to 2.5 seconds
func main() {
rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // needed before Go 1.20
go SayGreetings("hi!", 10)
go SayGreetings("hello!", 10)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
Quite easy. Right? We do concurrent programming now! The above program may have three user-created goroutines running simultaneously at its peak during run time. Let's run it. One possible output result:
When the main goroutine exits, the whole program also exits, even if there are still some other goroutines which have not exited yet.
Unlike previous articles, this program uses the Println
function in the log
standard package instead of the corresponding function in the fmt
standard package. The reason is the print functions in the log
standard package are synchronized (the next section will explain what synchronizations are), so the texts printed by the two goroutines will not be messed up in one line (though the chance of the printed texts being messed up by using the print functions in the fmt
standard package is very small for this specific program).
Concurrent computations may share resources, generally memory resource. The following are some circumstances that may occur during concurrent computing:
In the same period that one computation is writing data to a memory segment, another computation is reading data from the same memory segment. Then the integrity of the data read by the other computation might be not preserved.
In the same period that one computation is writing data to a memory segment, another computation is also writing data to the same memory segment. Then the integrity of the data stored at the memory segment might be not preserved.
These circumstances are called data races. One of the duties in concurrent programming is to control resource sharing among concurrent computations, so that data races will never happen. The ways to implement this duty are called concurrency synchronizations, or data synchronizations, which will be introduced one by one in later Go 101 articles.
Other duties in concurrent programming include
determine how many computations are needed.
determine when to start, block, unblock and end a computation.
determine how to distribute workload among concurrent computations.
The program shown in the last section is not perfect. The two new goroutines are intended to print ten greetings each. However, the main goroutine will exit in two seconds, so many greetings don't have a chance to get printed. How to let the main goroutine know when the two new goroutines have both finished their tasks? We must use something called concurrency synchronization techniques.
Go supports several
concurrency synchronization techniques. Among them,
the channel technique is the most unique and popularly used one. However, for simplicity, here we will use another technique, the
type in the
standard package, to synchronize the executions between the two new goroutines and the main goroutine.
The WaitGroup
type has three methods (special functions, will be explained later): Add
, Done
and Wait
. This type will be explained in detail later in another article. Here we can simply think
the Add
method is used to register the number of new tasks.
the Done
method is used to notify that a task is finished.
and the Wait
method makes the caller goroutine become blocking until all registered tasks are finished.
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func SayGreetings(greeting string, times int) {
for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
d := time.Second * time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) / 2
// Notify a task is finished.
wg.Done() // <=> wg.Add(-1)
func main() {
rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // needed before Go 1.20
wg.Add(2) // register two tasks.
go SayGreetings("hi!", 10)
go SayGreetings("hello!", 10)
wg.Wait() // block until all tasks are finished.
Run it, we can find that, before the program exits, each of the two new goroutines prints ten greetings.
The last example shows that a live goroutine may stay in (and switch between) two states, running and blocking. In that example, the main goroutine enters the blocking state when the wg.Wait
method is called, and enter running state again when the other two goroutines both finish their respective tasks.
The following picture depicts a possible lifecycle of a goroutine.
Note, a goroutine is still considered to be 'running' if it is asleep (after calling time.Sleep
function) or awaiting the response of a system call or a network connection.
When a new goroutine is created, it will enter the 'running' state automatically. Goroutines can only exit from running state, and never from blocking state. If, for any reason, a goroutine stays in blocking state forever, then it will never exit. Such cases, except some rare ones, should be avoided in concurrent programming.
A blocking goroutine can only be unblocked by an operation made in another goroutine. If all goroutines in a Go program are in blocking state, then all of them will stay in blocking state forever. This can be viewed as an overall deadlock. When this happens in a program, the standard Go runtime will try to crash the program.
The following program will crash, after two seconds:
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func main() {
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
The output:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
Later, we will learn more operations which will make goroutines enter blocking state.
Not all goroutines in running state are being executed at a given time. At any given time, the maximum number of goroutines being executed will not exceed the number of logical CPUs available for the current program. We can call the
function to get the number of logical CPUs available for the current program. Each logical CPU can only execute one goroutine at any given time. Go runtime must frequently switch execution contexts between goroutines to let each running goroutine have a chance to execute. This is similar to how operating systems switch execution contexts between OS threads.
The following picture depicts a more detailed possible lifecycle for a goroutine. In the picture, the running state is divided into several more sub-states. A goroutine in the queuing sub-state is waiting to be executed. A goroutine in the executing sub-state may enter the queuing sub-state again when it has been executed for a while (a very small piece of time).
Please note, for simplicity, the sub-states shown in the above picture will be not mentioned in other articles in Go 101. And again, in Go 101, the sleeping and system calling sub-states are not viewed as sub-states of the blocking state.
The standard Go runtime adopts the
M-P-G model to do the goroutine schedule job, where
M represents OS threads,
P represents logical/virtual processors (not logical CPUs) and
G represents goroutines. Most schedule work is made by logical processors (
Ps), which act as brokers by attaching goroutines (
Gs) to OS threads (
Ms). Each OS thread can only be attached to at most one goroutine at any given time, and each goroutine can only be attached to at most one OS thread at any given time. A goroutine can only get executed when it is attached to an OS thread. A goroutine which has been executed for a while will try to detach itself from the corresponding OS thread, so that other running goroutines can have a chance to get attached and executed.
At runtime. we can call the
function to get and set the number of logical processors (
Ps). For the standard Go runtime, before Go Toolchain 1.5, the default initial value of this number is
, but since Go Toolchain 1.5, the default initial value of this number is equal to the number of logical CPUs available for the current running program. The default initial value (the number of logical CPUs) is the best choice for most programs. But for some file IO heavy programs, a
value larger than
may be helpful.
The default initial value of runtime.GOMAXPROCS
can also be set through the GOMAXPROCS
environment variable.
At any time, the number of goroutines in the executing sub-state is no more than the smaller one of runtime.NumCPU
and runtime.GOMAXPROCS
A deferred function call is a function call which follows a defer
keyword. The defer
keyword and the deferred function call together form a defer statement. Like goroutine function calls, all the results of the function call (if the called function has return results) must be discarded in the function call statement.
When a defer statement is executed, the deferred function call is not executed immediately. Instead, it is pushed into a defer-call stack maintained by its caller goroutine. After a function call
returns (but has not fully exited yet) and enters its
exiting phase, all the deferred function calls pushed into the defer-call stack during executing the function call will be removed from the defer-call stack and executed, in first-in, last-out order, that is, the reverse of the order in which they were pushed into the defer-call stack. Once all these deferred calls are executed, the function call
fully exits.
Here is a simple example to show how to use deferred function calls.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
defer fmt.Println("The third line.")
defer fmt.Println("The second line.")
fmt.Println("The first line.")
The output:
The first line.
The second line.
The third line.
Here is another example which is a little more complex. The example will print 0
to 9
, each per line, by their natural order.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
defer fmt.Println("9")
defer fmt.Println("8")
if false {
defer fmt.Println("not reachable")
defer func() {
defer fmt.Println("7")
defer func() {
defer fmt.Println("not reachable")
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func Triple(n int) (r int) {
defer func() {
r += n // modify the return value
return n + n // <=> r = n + n; return
func main() {
fmt.Println(Triple(5)) // 15
The arguments of a deferred function call are all evaluated at the moment when the corresponding defer statement is executed (a.k.a. when the deferred call is pushed into the defer-call stack). The evaluation results are used when the deferred call is executed later during the existing phase of the surrounding call (the caller of the deferred call).
The expressions within the body of an anonymous function call, whether the call is a general call or a deferred/goroutine call, are evaluated during the anonymous function call is executed.
Here is an example.
// eval-moment.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
func() {
var x = 0
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
defer fmt.Println("a:", i + x)
x = 10
func() {
var x = 0
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
defer func() {
fmt.Println("b:", i + x)
x = 10
Use different Go Toolchain versions to run the code (
gotv is a tool used to manage and use multiple coexisting installations of official Go toolchain versions). The outputs:
$ gotv 1.21. run eval-moment.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.21.8/bin/go run eval-moment.go
a: 2
a: 1
a: 0
b: 13
b: 13
b: 13
$ gotv 1.22. run eval-moment.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/tag_go1.22.1/bin/go run eval-moment.go
a: 2
a: 1
a: 0
b: 12
b: 11
b: 10
The same argument valuation moment rules also apply to goroutine function calls. The following program will output 123 789
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func main() {
var a = 123
go func(x int) {
fmt.Println(x, a) // 123 789
a = 789
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
By the way, it is not a good idea to do synchronizations by using
calls in formal projects. If the program runs on a computer which CPUs are occupied by many other programs running on the computer, the newly created goroutine may never get a chance to execute before the program exits. We should use the concurrency synchronization techniques introduced in the article
concurrency synchronization overview to do synchronizations in formal projects.
In the above examples, the deferred function calls are not absolutely necessary. However, the deferred function call feature is a necessary feature for the panic and recover mechanism which will be introduced below.
Deferred function calls can also help us write cleaner and more robust code. We can read more code examples that make use of deferred function calls and learn more details on deferred function calls in the article
more about deferred functions later. For now, we will explore the importance of deferred functions for panic and recovery.
Go doesn't support exception throwing and catching, instead explicit error handling is preferred to use in Go programming. In fact, Go supports an exception throw/catch alike mechanism. The mechanism is called panic/recover.
We can call the built-in panic
function to create a panic to make the current goroutine enter panicking status.
Panicking is another way to make a function return. Once a panic occurs in a function call, the function call returns immediately and enters its exiting phase.
By calling the built-in recover
function in a deferred call, an alive panic in the current goroutine can be removed so that the current goroutine will enter normal calm status again.
If a panicking goroutine exits without being recovered, it will make the whole program crash.
The built-in panic
and recover
functions are declared as
func panic(v interface{})
func recover() interface{}
Interface types and values will be explained in the article
interfaces in Go later. Here, we just need to know that the blank interface type
can be viewed as the
type or the
type in many other languages. In other words, we can pass a value of any type to a
function call.
The value returned by a recover
function call is the value a panic
function call consumed.
The example below shows how to create a panic and how to recover from it.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
defer func() {
fmt.Println("exit normally.")
defer func() {
v := recover()
fmt.Println("recovered:", v)
The output:
recovered: bye!
exit normally.
Here is another example which shows a panicking goroutine exits without being recovered. So the whole program crashes.
package main
import (
func main() {
go func() {
for {
The output:
panic: 123
goroutine 5 [running]:
Go runtime will create panics for some circumstances, such as dividing an integer by zero. For example,
package main
func main() {
a, b := 1, 0
_ = a/b
The output:
panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero
goroutine 1 [running]:
More runtime panic circumstances will be mentioned in later Go 101 articles.
Generally, panics are used for logic errors, such as careless human errors. Logic errors should never happen at run time. If they happen, there must be bugs in the code. On the other hand, non-logic errors are hard to absolutely avoid at run time. In other words, non-logic errors are errors happening in reality. Such errors should not cause panics and should be explicitly returned and handled properly.
For the standard Go compiler, some fatal errors, such as stack overflow and out of memory are not recoverable. Once they occur, program will crash.
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Tapir, the author of Go 101, has been on writing the Go 101 series books
and maintaining the go101.org website since 2016 July.
New contents will be continually added to the book and the website from time to time.
Tapir is also an indie game developer.
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Articles in this book:
Become Familiar With Go Code