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Line Break Rules in Go

If you have written go code much, you should have known that we can't use arbitrary code styles in Go programming. Specifically speaking, we can't break a code line at an arbitrary space character position. The remaining of this article will list the detailed line break rules in Go.

Semicolon Insertion Rules

One rule we often obey in practice is, we should not put the a starting curly brace ({) of any explicit code block on a new line. For example, the following for loop code block fails to compile.

	for i := 5; i > 0; i--
	{ // unexpected newline, expecting { after for clause

To make it compiles okay, the starting curly brace mustn't be put on a new line, like the following:

	for i := 5; i > 0; i-- {

However, there are some exceptions for the rule mentioned above. For example, the following bare for loop block compiles okay.

		// do something ...

Then, what are the fundamental rules to do line breaks in Go programming? Before answering this question, we should know a fact that the formal Go grammar uses semicolons ; as terminators of code lines. However, we seldom use semicolons in our Go code. Why? The reason is most semicolons are optional and can be omitted. Go compilers will insert the omitted semicolons for us automatically in compiling.

For example, the ten semicolons in the following program are all optional.

package main;

import "fmt";

func main() {
	var (
		i   int;
		sum int;
	for i < 6 {
		sum += i;

Assume the above program is stored in a file named semicolons.go, we can run go fmt semicolons.go to remove all the unnecessary semicolons from that file. Compilers will insert the removed semicolons back (in memory) automatically in compiling the source code.

What are the semicolons insertion rules in Go? Let's read the semicolon rules listed in Go specification.

The formal grammar uses semicolons ";" as terminators in a number of productions. Go programs may omit most of these semicolons using the following two rules:

  1. When the input is broken into tokens, a semicolon is automatically inserted into the token stream immediately after a line's final token if that token is
    • an integer, floating-point, imaginary, rune, or string literal
    • one of the keywords break, continue, fallthrough, or return
    • one of the operators and punctuation ++, --, ), ], or }

  2. To allow complex statements to occupy a single line, a semicolon may be omitted before a closing ) or }.

For the scenarios listed in the first rule, surely, we can also insert the semicolons manually, just like the semicolons in the last code example. In other words, these semicolons are optional in programming.

The second rule means the last semicolon in a multi-item declaration before the closing sign ) and the last semicolon within a code block or a (struct or interface) type declaration before the closing sign } are optional. If the last semicolon is absent, compilers will automatically insert it back.

The second rule lets us be able to write the following valid code.

import (_ "math"; "fmt")
var (a int; b string)
const (M = iota; N)
type (MyInt int; T struct{x bool; y int32})
type I interface{m1(int) int; m2() string}
func f() {print("a"); panic(nil)}

Compilers will automatically insert the omitted semicolons for us, as the following code shows.

var (a int; b string;);
const (M = iota; N;);
type (MyInt int; T struct{x bool; y int32;};);
type I interface{m1(int) int; m2() string;};
func f() {print("a"); panic(nil);};

Compilers will not insert semicolons for any other scenarios. We must insert the semicolons manually as needed for other scenarios. For example, the first semicolon at each line in the last code example are all required. The semicolons in the following example are also required.

var a = 1; var b = true
a++; b = !b
print(a); print(b)

From the two rules, we know that a semicolon will never be inserted just after the for keyword. This is why the bare for loop example shown above is valid.

One consequence of the semicolon insertion rules is that the self increment and self decrement operations must appear as statements. They can't be used as expressions. For example, the following code is invalid.

func f() {
	a := 0
	// The following two lines both fail to compile.
	println(a++) // unexpected ++, expecting comma or )
	println(a--) // unexpected --, expecting comma or )

The reason why the above code is invalid is compilers will view it as

func f() {
	a := 0;

Another consequence of the semicolon insertion rules is we can't break a line before the dot . in a selector. We can only break a line after the dot, as the following code shows


whereas the following code fails to compile.


Compilers will insert a semicolon at the end of each line in the modified version, so the above code is equivalent to the following code which is obviously invalid.


The semicolon insertion rules make us write cleaner code. They also make it is possible to write some valid but a little weird code. For example,

package main

import "fmt"

func alwaysFalse() bool {return false}

func main() {
	i := 0
	i < 6
	i++ {
		// use i ...

	if x := alwaysFalse()
	!x {
		// do something ...

	switch alwaysFalse()
	case true: fmt.Println("true")
	case false: fmt.Println("false")

All the three control flow blocks are valid. Compilers will insert a semicolon at the end of each of line 9, 10, 15 and 20.

Please note, the switch-case block in the above example will print a true instead of a false. It is different from

	switch alwaysFalse() {
	case true: fmt.Println("true")
	case false: fmt.Println("false")

If we use the go fmt command to format the former one, a semicolon will be appended automatically after the alwaysFalse() call, so it will become to

	switch alwaysFalse();
	case true: fmt.Println("true")
	case false: fmt.Println("false")

The modified version is equivalent to the following one.

	switch alwaysFalse(); true {
	case true: fmt.Println("true")
	case false: fmt.Println("false")

That is why it will print a true.

It is a good habit to run go fmt and go vet often for your code.

For a rare case, the semicolon insertion rules also make some code look valid but invalid actually. For example, the following code snippet fails to compile.

func f(x int) {
	switch x {
	case 1:
		goto A
		A: // compiles okay
	case 2:
		goto B
		B: // syntax error: missing statement after label
	case 0:
		goto C
		C: // compiles okay

The compilation error message indicates that there must be a statement following a label declaration. But it looks none label in the above example is followed by a statement. Why is only the B: label declaration invalid? The reason is, by the second semicolon insertion rule mentioned above, compilers will insert a semicolon before each of the } characters following the A: and C: label declarations. As the following code shows.

func f(x int) {
	switch x {
	case 1:
		goto A
	;} // a semicolon is inserted here
	case 2:
		goto B
		B: // syntax error: missing statement after label
	case 0:
		goto C
	;} // a semicolon is inserted here

A solo semicolon represents a blank statement actually, which is why the A: and C: label declarations are both valid. On the other hand, the B: label declaration is followed by case 0:, which is not a statement, so the B: label declaration is invalid.

We can manually insert a semicolon (a blank statement) at the end of each of the B: label declaration to make it compile okay.

Comma (,) Will Not Be Inserted Automatically

In some syntax forms containing multiple alike items, commas are used as separators, such as composite literals, function argument lists, function parameter lists and function result lists. In such a syntax form, the last item can always be followed by a comma. If the following comma is the last effective character in its respective code line, then the comma is required, otherwise, it is optional. Compilers will not insert commas automatically for any cases.

For example, the following code snippet is valid.

func f1(a int, b string,) (x bool, y int,) {
	return true, 789
var f2 func (a int, b string) (x bool, y int)
var f3 func (a int, b string, // the last comma is required
) (x bool, y int,             // the last comma is required
var _ = []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9,} // the last comma is optional
var _ = []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9,  // the last comma is required
var _ = []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9}
var _, _ = f1(123, "Go",) // the last comma is optional
var _, _ = f1(123, "Go",  // the last comma is required
var _, _ = f1(123, "Go")
// The same for explicit conversions.
var _ = string(65,) // the last comma is optional
var _ = string(65,  // the last comma is required

However, the following code snippet is invalid, for compilers will insert a semicolon for each line in the code, except the second line. There are three lines which will cause unexpected newline syntax errors.

func f1(a int, b string,) (x bool, y int // error
) {
	return true, 789
var _ = []int{2, 3, 5, 7 // error: unexpected newline
var _, _ = f1(123, "Go" // error: unexpected newline

Final Words

At the end, let's describe the line break rules in Go according to the above explanations.

In Go, a line break is okay (will not affect code behavior) if:
  • it happens immediately after a keyword other than break, continue and return, or after any of the three keywords which are not followed by labels or return results;
  • it happens immediately after a semicolon, whether the semicolon is inserted explicitly or implicitly;
  • it doesn't lead to an implicit semicolon will be inserted.

Like some other design details in Go, there are both praises and criticisms for the semicolon insertion rules. Some programmers don't like the rules, for they think the rules limit the freedom of code styles. Praisers think the rules make code compile faster, and make the code written by different programmers look similar, so that it is easy to understand the code written by each other.

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Tapir, the author of Go 101, has been on writing the Go 101 series books and maintaining the go101.org website since 2016 July. New contents will be continually added to the book and the website from time to time. Tapir is also an indie game developer. You can also support Go 101 by playing Tapir's games (made for both Android and iPhone/iPad):
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